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East House Blog


about the EAST house garden

EAST is a clever acronym for the East Asian Studies Theme house. Our garden reflects our theme by growing plants and herbs used in Asian cuisines. This spring we're growing: peas, carrots, bok choy and pac choi, cilantro, chinese cabbage, green onions, and lemongrass. For this summer we're planning: tomatoes, asian eggplant, asian cucumbers, asian basils, beans, and edamame.


Blog Archive

a garden creation party to remember

April 8, 2009
It's a characteristically sunny afternoon in March, but the quiet air and brilliant sun belies the stress and frenetic studying that must always characterize Stanford the weekend before finals. This Friday the 13th, however, portends not a gloomy day at the library, but an EAST house garden creation party! We start at 4pm with only a few planks of sturdy wood, a handful of woodscrews, paint, and many willing hands. We bring the boombox out and the music mixes with the sound of hand drills and productive chatter.

The raised bed slowly takes 3D form while the space it will occupy behind the bike rack gets landscaped. Meanwhile, our resident Chinese and Japanese experts start to paint plant identification signs in both English and in Kanjis.

The creation party lasts long after the scheduled end time and at last the raised bed frame sits snug in its rightful place, ready to house tender plants safe from hungry gophers. Meanwhile EAST residents and other helpful gardeners return to their study caves, hopefully with a tendril of the sunset and a job well done to brighten the long journey through finals.

- Ariel

Building a Raised Bed for East

April 8, 2009

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